
It’s the uncertainty that creates the biggest challenge when dealing with a virus like SAR-CoV-2. It’s invisible to the naked eye and there is a varying lag time for infection to present, if at all. The commonly used solutions, therefore, are geared toward simulating isolation when in the presence of others. Distancing and masks are limited and compliance can seldom be 100% assured. For some demographics compliance has a dependably high rate of nonadherence. Mixing of members from both ends of the compliance spectrum affords the unfortunate exposure to the most vulnerable.

ActivePure plays an dynamic role in minimizing the likelihood of transfer. Unlike a cure or vaccine, which seek to protect the host, this technology weakens the viability of the virus by attacking the protective shell and its ability to thrive and replicate. It operates in that space in between, and on surfaces where most of the indoor conveyance seems to occur. It’s just that simple and yet profoundly effective. Now insufficient amounts of the virus are available to gain foothold in a new host. Just as being outdoors affords dramatically lower opportunity for transfer through dilution and circulation, ActivePure dilutes viral presence through neutralization.