ActivePure Technology – Developed Along Side NASA for Close Quarters Disease and Contamination Control

This technology was developed in collaboration with NASA for space travel and the International Space Station which they knew they would be sharing with humans from other countries.

The first challenge they faced was growing potatoes. The buildup of ethylene gas in close quarters would cause accelerated spoilage. Contamination was also a potential problem. This PCO scrubber solution proved highly effective at eliminating the ethylene gas problem. It was soon discovered that the effect of these unique hydroxyls on microorganisms was equally profound. It had the ability to pull them apart. This also had great value to the space team members as well.

With no doctors, except possible crew members, or hospitals nearby and readily available, how could they keep everyone safe and healthy over extended periods together? This represents the ultimate preventative medicine where the stakes are the highest and the price of being wrong is overwhelming. The pandemic parallels most of these same challenges, only with lots of enclosed spaces and many humans coming and going to and from those isolated pods, if you will. Some are very small and some much larger, and with many more participants. A home, a store, a restaurant, an office or even a church are such potential transmission pods that create the unique possibility for a proximity triggered infection, both through aerosols and surface contraction.

NASA knew that any infectious disease could be catastrophic in space. One astronaut alone was not a problem, but two or more in such a confined space was inherently problematic. Think about it. Any of the crew could leak something from themselves out into the sealed closed environment. It wasn’t feasible to guard against every single possible potential threat and also was not healthy to attempt to rid each member physically and internally to protect the others. You cannot effectively sterilize an entire human animal. The potato solution of removing VOCs also disarmed infectious contaminants.

Filtration was an important component for the continuously recycled air, but it was not enough, and it would not tackle the issue of a contaminated surfaces. They needed a new strategy. They needed an approach that would treat the as of yet unfiltered portion of the air, as well as all surfaces, relentlessly and in real time, moment by moment. All of this, and they had to do it safely with no attendant health risks or discomfort, and minimal power demand.

The result is what we now have here today. ActivePure checks all the boxes with no adverse side effects to humans or other animals. Viruses, bacteria, molds and fungi are neutralized on contact with the treated moisture molecules in the room. The same active airborne anti-microbial agent also makes contact with all surfaces inside, as it is continuously distributed in three dimension by the laws of gaseous diffusion. Picture how a room humidifier works. The humidifier placed in one location affects the water content throughout an entire room, even if it is placed in a corner.

Once activated, each ActivePure treated indoor space becomes a safety zone that also maintains its safety by relentlessly treating any newly introduced infectious material that participants may unknowingly shed, whether they are staff or visitors. To maintain this safety level, you do not have to wait for the next cleaning or sanitation wipe down cycle to occur.